Xbox 360 pops up in Win 8 code, console game compatibility coming ...
It's no secret that Microsoft is planning on integrating Xbox LIVE into Windows 8, but rumors are now swirling that Xbox 360 games might actually.
IE 8 Thinks All Table Cells Have a Colspan | CSS-Tricks
IE 8 (only) thinks that all table cells have a colspan attribute, whether they do or not. So if you are looking to style table cells uniquely that have that attribute, it's a bit tough.
Microsoft talks Windows Server 8 - Microsoft
The era of 8 is upon us. Gone now is Windows 7 as the product in the limelight; it has been upstaged by Windows 8. And now Windows Server 8 is stealing onto the scene, causing ruckus as it goes. ...
Here's a Windows 8 Tablet In The Wild
Microsoft tablets are keyboard-less notebooks that run a full version of Windows; not some oversized smartphone. This strategy hasn't worked so well in the past, but the company is trying one more time with Windows 8.