Gigabyte announces S1080 Windows 7 tablet with USB 3.0 and optical ...
We're here at Computex's pre-show event to get some hands-on time with a few new products. As expected many tablets are present, and one such.
ViewPad 7x aims to become world's first 7-inch Honeycomb tablet ...
Guess who's sneakily beating the pack to the title of having the globe's first 7-inch Honeycomb tablet... why, it's none other than ViewSonic! The.
You Can Run Either MeeGo or Windows 7 On Asus' Eee PC X101
This is novelâ"Nokia may not have released any MeeGo phones in the end, but Asus' Eee PC X101 dualboots both Nokia and Intel's beleaguered MeeGo OS, or Windows 7. No ubiquitous Android or Linux here, folks.
'Game of Thrones': Take our Episode 7 quiz -
Dothraki horse lords don't take holidays off, and neither does "Game of Thrones," which aired a new episode over Memorial Day weekend. This week's episode featured the introduction of the Lannister family patriarch, ...