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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vintage Garden Art Car

Vintage Garden Art Car

Rebecca Ersfeld for Vintage Living: Loser Challenge # 1
First to appreciate the beauty with our eyes... imagine a perfect peach tree in a beautiful garden, all our senses are alive and we walk through this garden with the fresh breeze that we can feel and smell. .... Rebecca: Glen Ellyn, IL, United States: Mother of 5 girls, 1 son and 8 grandchildren... it is finally my time to nurture the artistic soul that lives within me. Not that I haven't throughout the years - goodness I couldn't have been more creative with 6 wonderful ...
Clover Cottage: A sunny day for the Vintage Victoria Fair
I f you're like me, you absolutely love CK, and Vintage style wallpaper, and I had to share this with you! On Saturday, I was browsing thro... Look what I found at the car boot sale !!!! Aren't we having a lovely, sunny summer?!! One of the great things about ..... Flowers; Folk Art; Friends; Laura Ashley; Lemon meringue pie! Long country walks; Mucha; Old houses & cottages; Patchwork; Polka Dots; Shabby Chic; Stained glass; Stripped pine; Sunny mornings!! The Garden ...

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